“Ama Ebi” Spot Prawn Sashimi – Frozen, Wild Spot Prawn


SKU: COB-001 Category: Tags: , , ,


Sashimi Grade Spot Prawn “Ama Ebi”

2.2LBS box(about 20-24 pieces)

Frozen Spot Prawns “Ama Ebi” are known for its natural sweetness and delicate texture, making it a premium choice for sashimi, sushi, and other raw preparations. Harvested from pristine waters and carefully handled to maintain the highest quality, this product delivers an exceptional, fresh taste. The tender flesh of Ama Ebi offers a silky-smooth experience with a subtle, sweet flavor that seafood enthusiasts appreciate. It also pairs beautifully with our fresh Santa Barbara Uni, adding a touch of luxury to any dish. Ideal for both home and professional use.

* This food item contains raw ingredients and may be served undercooked/raw. Consuming raw or undercooked shellfish may increase your risk for foodborne illness; especially if you have a medical condition.

Keep a consistent temperatures. If product is not cold to the touch upon receipt, do not consume. Consume within one week of receipt. Store in the freezer until about to prepare. Remove from packaging to defrost. Defrost in cold water for 1-2 hours before consumption. Do not refreeze.

お刺身用  ボタンエビ

約1kg (約 20-24尾入り)



細心の注意を払って梱包・発送しておりますが、万が一商品が解凍され、冷えていない状態で届いた場合、商品の品質に影響が及ぶ事が考えられますので、念の為商品は召し上がらずお早めに配送業者もしくは弊社までご連絡ください。 お受け取り後はすぐに冷凍保存いただき、1週間以内にお召し上がりください。解凍する際は包装を外してから冷水に1~2時間浸けてください。解凍後の再冷凍はオススメしておりません。


Additional information


1kg (XL) (20-24pcs), XL 5pcs

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Delivery Schedule

We deliver to Santa Barbara, Isla Vista, Carpinteria, Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo, Conejo Valley, and San Fernando Valley to the 405 freeway. Pickup location in Oxnard, CA.


Delivery Times Tuesdays & Fridays (except holidays)


Delivery Times Mondays & Thursdays (except holidays)


Pickup in Oxnard

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