Santa Barbara Uni Vana grade 200g (Frozen)


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Frozen Wild Santa Barbara Uni Vana grade (200g)

0.44lbs /pack

Frozen sea urchin Vana grade for cooking.  Great for making uni cream pasta and other uni flavored dishes.
For Uni pasta, try our No.1 grade Ikura as topping too!

Keep a consistent temperature. If product is not cold to the touch upon receipt, do not consume. Store in the freezer until about to prepare. Do not remove product from plastic packaging to defrost. Defrost in cold water for 1-2 hours before consumption. Do not refreeze.⚠️CAUTION⚠️ There may be shells included in the Vana grade. Before cooking, check carefully and remove. Ingredients: Sea Urchin gonads, salt, alum.

——-Try our Uni Pasta Recipe——-
100g Vana Grade Uni for the sauce
A couple of Gold or Premium grade Uni (Sashimi Grade) for topping if you’d like.
1 Lbs. dried Fettuccine pasta
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup butter
3-4 cups broth (milk or water will work)
2 Tbsp. parmesan cheese
1 large garlic clove
2 Tsp onion powder
Olive oil

Start the roux. Melt butter and add flour in sauce pan over low heat until flour is “cooked” but not toasted. Be careful not to brown the flour in the butter. 30 mins minimum.

Blend filtered-out Vana Grade uni, broth, garlic clove, onion powder and parmesan. When roux is ready, turn heat low or off and slowly add Uni mix while whisking until you have a thick smooth sauce and salt to taste.

Boil pasta, strain, and save a few cups of pasta water.

Take a serving of pasta and put it into a frying pan with olive oil. Over medium heat, toss pasta in oil until coated and hot, add a good amount of Uni sauce and toss together until pasta is fully coated and sauce has thickened. Plate and top with Uni.

冷凍 サンタバーバラ産  ソース用ウニ (200g) ※加熱調理用



約 200g /パック

加熱調理用の サンタバーバラ産 冷凍ウニです。ウニクリームパスタなどのソース用に最適!



——- TWウニパスタ レシピ ——-


ソース用バナグレードウニ  100g
お刺身用ウニ  トッピング用にお好きな分だけ
乾燥フェットチーネパスタ  1 Lbs
小麦粉  1/2 カップ
バター  1/2 カップ
牛乳      3~2 カップ
粉上のパルメザンチーズ   2 tbsp
ガーリッククローブ  1個 (大きめのもの)
オニオンパウダー  2tbsp
オリーブオイル   適量
塩   適量




3.  ルーの火を止めた状態で、2のウニソースを濃厚で滑らかなソースになるまでゆっくりとかき混ぜながら加えます。塩をお好みの量加えて味を調整してください。





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